Wednesday, May 21, 2014

When Chaos Becomes Boring

I've never been spectacular at consistency. 

If I am being completely honest, sometimes the norm is a bore. However, I seem to often find myself at certain crossroads of life where 'consistency' finds its way into the corners of my heart and is able to tug at my soul a little more than I would expect. Since I've never really been too consistent, I am finding consistency is becoming OUT of the norm, and inconsistency is beginning to feel mundane
(I  believe I have changed my hair color over 6 times in the past year--I'm ready to settle in). All that to say, my way of claiming a new commitment in my life (adventuring into something irregular), I am starting a new blog with new goals and new words to mark the paths of journeying into adulthood by allowing myself the joys of introspection through writing.

As always, my words, poems, thoughts, and recipes are never penned for mere people-pleasing. Rather, they are written to provide my artistic soul somewhat of a non-serious outlet to process the joys of adulthood--in either large or insignificant doses.

Regardless, I hope some of you will enjoy the penning of my daily life and perspective from time to time. I hope it makes you laugh, or think. I hope it inspires you to create or enjoy the creation of someone else.

Here's to consistency. Cheers.


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