Monday, June 30, 2014

Some Infinities Are Bigger Than Other Infinities...

There is a village in a city that is covered in black
Aprons & horses surround dirt roads.
There are parks with slides and no swings
There are roads: gravel, dust, and cracks.
These ties:  states and lines
And there are souls, Oh there are souls
Ringing for connection like chimes

Seasons come and go
Shades of yellow fade to green
We never change: We grow.
Shot up like crops from seed

We shut our eyes tight: Hold on to infinity.
Eyelids spark curiosity,
Dreams come in waves
Leaning in toward Eternity
While comfort's found in gray

The saline and smudge
The river and leaves
The horses In mud
And gazebos in spring:

All stars align:


Monday, June 16, 2014

Calling All Humans...

            In the church culture, we have the reputation of defining ‘worship’ as music we play and sing (about and/or to God) as a congregation. This worship experience is led by the ‘worship leader’ who may occasionally throw out instructive catch-phrases such as “Raise your hands!” “Lift a shout of praise!” and so on. Though I would openly define myself as an artist who has found she deeply connects by worshipping God through the avenue of music, I can vividly remember the moment where I came to realize that worship was not about music at all, rather, worship of God was solely about bringing Glory to the one who created us to Worship Him.


                        Early on in ministry, I had the opportunity to intern at a church in the area of Worship ministry. After graduating high school and moving away, I really struggled with adjusting to my new surroundings. I had grown up in the same place, surrounded by the same people, attending the same church for the majority of my life.  I was a relatively well-known performer in the area I lived in, and I had worked incredibly hard to establish my reputation as a singer and musician. Though I didn’t feel the call to full-time ministry until my senior year of high school, I had sung in church since I was 5 years old. When I moved away from home, I was hit with the rude awakening of my new surroundings. Being in a new area, I began to understand that NOT ONE person had any idea who I was, or what my ‘skill sets’ were. (A very odd awakening for someone who had labored over establishing her talent reputation Ha Ha.) Needless to say, my first few months of college and interning were spent by myself in a coffee shop figuring out my walk with Christ OUTSIDE of leading ministry. I spent my intern hours organizing the Planning Center database, vacuuming the stage, or making coffee runs for people who didn’t even know my name.  What a humbling and amazing time those first few months were: My relationship with God wasn’t being defined by the ministry I was leading for other people. My worship no longer happened by music played or led on stage. My worship experiences had to become deeper and more personal than ever.
My Worship ceased to be defined by the avenue of ‘music,’ and instead became a lifestyle  rooted in the understanding of God the Father, by the message of the Gospel, through the power of the Holy Spirit . 
                To worship is the act of giving worth to something, elevating it to the place of highest honor. Though the most common way of expressing our desire to give worth to God has historically been through songs OF worship, it is vital to our faith and spiritual walk to realize that worship itself must be rooted IN LOVE FOR CHRIST, and not in music.  If we do not understand the Gospel and the God we sing ABOUT, our songs mean very little. Because God created mankind to worship Him, those of us who are in relationship with Him should continuously search for new ways to GIVE WORTH to our Maker. We can do this through several different avenues such as prayer, reflection, quietness, rest, reading Scripture, encouraging one another, etc.  True worship is a lifestyle that is lived in accordance with His Word, walking in step with the Holy Spirit.
                As someone who had a one dimensional side of worship for so many years, I would encourage you to dive deeper into the Gospel to find the true meaning of Worship, and why we are called to express it by our lives. The more we come to know Jesus and the redemption freely offered to us by the shedding of His blood, the more we will begin to understand the mystery of Grace. The more we understand His grace, the more we are moved to respond to it. The more we respond to it by offering our body’s as living sacrifices to Him (Romans 12:1), the more intimate and authentic our worship becomes. If we truly understand and believe the Gospel with our entire hearts, it will be impossible to lack authentic and intimate worship. If it is through the avenue of music that you give worth and glory to God, do it with the full measure and knowledge of the amazing Truth of the Gospel. Music is secondary. 


Thursday, June 5, 2014

40 miles

In the interest of gravel roads & general stores   I think a few things should be questioned
In the interest of pastures, pastors & drywall I think a few things should be remembered
I lack the answers and experience of remembering all the questions

                                            and I learned courage from uncertainty

I found relationship through the loss of them.
I found grace through the absence of it.
I found mercy through hands that stung of blood and coal
                                             and still.…

So much can be said about a picket fence, bare feet, & a swift current
In the creek I once loved.
In the interest of forward motion I think a few things should be left to the heart

                                         and stopped from the mouth

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

For the Love of Picnics

I appreciate the human being's ability to have their own likes and dislikes: I would never want to take away one's ability to think for themselves, or mock the ability to have uniqueness of taste.


If you do not like picnics....

There is something wrong with you. 

There are few things in life as glorious as a picnic on a day when the sun is shining and the air is crisp. I have a deep-ingrained longing to be fancy: If I had it my way, we would still be carrying parasols, drinking afternoon tea, wearing funny hats, and going on afternoon strolls. Unfortunately, I am relatively aware of the thoughts of other people.  I am not secure enough to transform my lifestyle into that of a 1901-1920's woman (Of course... I do appreciate that women can vote, have opinions, and jobs now, so I wouldn't change that.)The way I rectify my longing to 'bring fancy back,' is by engaging in activities such as elegant and refined picnics. I pack fancy fruit, fancy cheese (ode to the days I could eat any kind of cheese I want.... a pox upon you, food allergies), and fancy spreads. Pellegrino is also a staple.

On May 26, 2014 I realized my entire picnicking experience up until that day had been living a lie. 

I was picnicing without a proper basket or materials. I am ashamed to say, I lived in the world of paper backs and plastic utensils. But I, Rachel Storment, shall no longer live that way. I, Rachel Storment, have been given the gift of a proper and fully stocked picnic basket (Thanks, mom & dad Storment). It is deep and rectangular shaped, filled to the brim with all the fancy delacies a picnic deserves (Glasses, utensils, a THERMOS). It's exterior is majestic wicker... as every REAL picnic basket should be.

May 26, 2014 was the perfect day. Not only was I celebrating my birthday early with my wonderful husband (who indulged my girlish desires of living like Gatsby), but I was awoken to the sweet smell of French Press coffee (another delicacy of life EVERYBODY should love), and I was allowed to embark on the adventure of a TRUE picnic.

The contents of the food in my basket? Let me tell me you, dear friend, so that you may enjoy the experience alongside me.

Sourdough Baguette (I forsook my gluten avoidance in honor of my birthday, of course.) 
Red Grapes
Brie for Zach, Goat Cheese for me
Annie's Gluten Free Chocolate and Vanilla Bunnies
and Sparkling Water

If you haven't gotten out in the beautiful world of the outdoors, slapped on a romper, and had a picnic, I encourage you do to so IMMEDIATELY. Stop reading this blog and experience the beauty for yourself.

Picnics give you endorphines. Picnics save lives.

Picnics are God's gift to humans. You are all welcome for sharing.